YouTube video

What is your name? *

Kasim Reed

What is your age? *


What is your occupation? *


What is your city of residence? *

Atlanta, Georgia

How many years in public service? *

19 years

List your Community/Civic Affiliations: *

I am a graduate member of the Aspen Institute-Rodel Fellowship Class of 2007, Leadership Georgia Class of 2000 and Leadership Atlanta Class of 1998. I am also a lifelong member of the NAACP.

Where can voters find you online? (social media links & website) *

What is the position you are running for? *

Mayor of the City of Atlanta

Why are you running for office? *

I’m running for Mayor because I love Atlanta and I know what it takes to get crime under control. Under my Administration, crime was at 40-year lows. If elected, I will get violent crime under control and I will bring to bear every resource available to tackle this surge of violent crime.

In what ways do you believe your experience will assist you in your position, if elected? *

I am the only candidate to have served as Mayor which make me uniquely qualified to tackle our city’s most pressing issues. Under my leadership, crime was at 40-year lows, the city was on its best financial footing in 40 years and I increased core city services while reducing the City’s spending during the worst recession in 80 years.

Why are you the best candidate for this position? *

Our city needs hands-on leadership. I am the only candidate with the leadership and experience to turn our city around. I have done it before, and I can do it again.

What do you think your constituents need the most? *

Crime is the number one crisis facing our city. It impacts our collective quality of life and the city’s reputation, creating a vicious cycle that undermines everything that makes our city great.

What would you do differently than the predecessor in the position/office you’re running for? *

I will bring a clarity of purpose and zero tolerance for crime that will be communicated every day, across City Hall. Until our city feels safe again, we will conduct weekly cabinet meetings organized around crime data and the measures each department will take to positively impact public safety. City departments will understand and demonstrate urgency and focus on restoring our city’s safety.

What are the three (legislative) issues you will address, if elected? *

I will focus on public safety, expanding affordable housing and improving transportation and infrastructure that will support our growing population.

If elected, what is your plan of action the first 100 days in office? *

My administration will focus on reducing violent crime, opening all 33 of our Centers of Hope recreation centers, and implementing a 100-day amnesty program to allow residents to clear violations with the exception of DUIs.

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