Jomana Karadsheh, Author at The Atlanta Voice Your Atlanta GA News Source Mon, 11 Dec 2023 07:39:52 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Jomana Karadsheh, Author at The Atlanta Voice 32 32 200573006 As they prepare to accept her Nobel prize, jailed activist’s children believe they’ll never see her again Sat, 09 Dec 2023 19:35:00 +0000

Narges Mohammadi's twin children Ali and Kiana are accepting the Nobel Peace Prize on behalf of their mother, who is currently jailed for her activism, and will deliver her Nobel lecture from prison.

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Oslo, Norway (CNN) — At the age of four, Ali Rahmani realized his family would never lead an ordinary life.

He remembers the Iranian Revolutionary Guard arresting his father. Since then, he and his twin sister Kiana’s lives have been a series of arrests, separation and exile. If one parent is present, the other is in prison.

Now aged 17, the two will be accepting the Nobel peace prize this Sunday on behalf of their jailed mother, renowned Iranian activist Narges Mohammadi. Together they will deliver her Nobel lecture that was smuggled out of the notorious Evin prison.

“Standing here, I’m trying to visualize the crowd. We’ll be standing right there giving the speech,” Kiana tells CNN as they tour the Oslo City Hall in which the prestigious ceremony will be held.

They walk through the minimalistic seating arrangement under the towering murals towards the stage. Standing next to a portrait of their mother girdled by panels of purple orchids, Kiana says, “We will have to live up to all this. A lot of important people will be here…. This is mental preparation really.”

The two have not seen their mother since they were eight years old and haven’t spoken to her in nearly two years due to increasing restrictions on communication that got even more severe ahead of the ceremony. For her activism, campaigning for human rights, in support of political prisoners and against the death penalty, Mohammadi and her family have paid a hefty price.

She has been arrested 13 times, convicted for five and sentenced to a total of 31 years and 154 lashes.

“We are extremely proud of all that she has done. What really saddens us today is that she is not here, because we should not be the ones being interviewed. That’s my mother’s right but we’ll do our best to be her voice and represent what is happening in Iran,” Ali says.

The responsibility of being the voice of not just their mother but their people weighs on them.

“We are not just here for us or our family, but for freedom and democracy and for the Woman Life Freedom movement,” Kiana says, referring to the nationwide protests sparked by the death of 22-year-old Mahsa Jhina Amini in the custody of Iran’s morality police in 2022.

It’s a road they don’t have to walk alone. In Oslo, they are continuously greeted by members of the Iranian diaspora who like their parents have paid for their dissent with years in prison or exile.

Iranian journalist Taghi Rahmani, husband of this year’s winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, and their children pictured at the Nobel Institute in Oslo, Norway, on December 9. Credit: Frederik Ringnes/NTB/AFP / Getty Images

‘Disney mom’

They say they understand and accept the sacrifice, despite the impact it has had on their lives. They’ve lived with their father in self exile in France since 2015.

“Of course, at times in my life I wanted my mother by my side,” Kiana tells CNN. “At puberty, your body changes, that’s the kind of question you would ask your mom. I had no one to ask so I learned by myself. I would have loved it if she could have taken me shopping, taught me how to wear makeup and how to handle my body.”

She cherishes the childhood memories of her mother. “I’d describe her a bit like a Disney mom, a bit like in the movies,” Kiana says. “If we were hungry, we could eat as much ice cream as we wanted. If we wanted to help ourselves to more food, we always could. She did everything she could so that we would be comfortable and have stability in our lives. She played both roles really well just like my father does now.”

They last hugged her on the day of her arrest, when they were not yet nine years old. She made them breakfast, sent them to school and when they returned, she was gone.

Both Ali and Kiana find solace in a simple realization. Despite their growing concerns about their mother’s deteriorating health, they believe the international recognition and pressure on Iran could save her life.

Ali notes how tormenting the news of executions of political prisoners have been, in addition to hundreds of others killed during protests. “A lot of our countrymen have lost their fathers, their mothers and their siblings,” he says.

Jailed Iranian women’s rights advocate Narges Mohammadi. Credit: Reihane Taravati/Middle East Images/AFP / Getty Images

“Frankly I’m just glad that she’s alive, because others have lost their loved ones and I can’t even imagine what that feels like,” Kiana says.

On Saturday, a day before the ceremony they announced that Mohammadi will start yet another hunger strike in protest of human rights violations in Iran and violations of the civil rights of the Bahais, a religious minority in Iran.


In their pre-ceremony tour, they meet Berit Reiss-Andersen, the chair of Norwegian Nobel Committee, who recognized Mohammadi’s struggle against “systematic discrimination and oppression” as she announced her Nobel win on October 6.

She called on the Iranian government to release Mohammadi.

“I feel very sad and I feel it is a disgrace for Iran to keep in prison a person who has been recognized and found worthy of the peace prize. I think about her all the time and that she will not have the chance to experience this grand event,” Reiss-Andersen tells CNN after meeting the twins. “But I also feel she is very well represented by her children and her husband,” she adds.

The two get a glimpse into the exhibition honoring their mother’s activism at the Nobel Peace Center.

Since the 1990s, Mohammadi has advocated for women rights and democracy and worked with the banned Defenders of Human Rights Center, founded by 2003 Peace prize laureate Shirin Ebadi, whose picture is also featured in the exhibition.

The walls of the museum are lined with photos from the sibling’s childhood and the rare occasions the small family was intact, together and smiling. Ali and Kiana count the steps in a corner meant to recreate the solitary confinement both of their parents had endured. Ali recounts how their father, Tagi Rahmani a political prisoner for 14 years, used to keep sane by walking back and forth, finding solace in the engravings on the walls left by previous prisoners.

It’s a type of “white torture” their mother documented in agonizing detail in a book she wrote in prison, also featured in the museum.

Prison has not silenced Mohammadi. She did not get to see the streets of Iran convulse with mass protests in 2022 against the theocratical regime. Yet, in audio recordings smuggled out of prison and shared with CNN, she’s heard leading her fellow inmates in the iconic “Women, Life, Freedom” chant of the protests.

She also continues to work tirelessly to expose sexual assault against political detainees, including in a written interview with CNN this summer facilitated by intermediaries. Her prison sentences keep increasing, for charges of conspiring against national security and spreading false propaganda, among others.

She’s vowed to never stop even it means spending the rest of her life in prison.

“I’m really not very optimistic about ever seeing [my mother] again. My mom has a 10-year sentence left and every time she does something, like sending out the speech we will read out at the ceremony, that adds to her sentence,” Kiana says. “She will always be in my heart, and I accept that because the struggle, the movement, Woman Life Freedom, is worth it. Freedom and democracy are priceless. It’s all worth the sacrifice.”

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President Erdogan heading for a runoff in Turkey’s fiercely fought elections Mon, 15 May 2023 01:55:36 +0000

(CNN) — Neither Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan nor his main rival looked to have secured the 50% of votes to win the elections, preliminary election results showed, raising the prospects of a runoff vote. State-run Anadolu news agency reported projections based on 90.54% of the votes counted, showing Erdogan having 49.86% of votes, compared to […]

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(CNN) — Neither Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan nor his main rival looked to have secured the 50% of votes to win the elections, preliminary election results showed, raising the prospects of a runoff vote.

State-run Anadolu news agency reported projections based on 90.54% of the votes counted, showing Erdogan having 49.86% of votes, compared to 44.38% for the main opposition candidate, Kemal Kilicdaroglu.

The third candidate, Sinan Ogan, received 5.30% of votes, according to Anadolu, raising the possibility he could be a kingmaker in a runoff. He tweeted that a second vote is “quite possible,” and that “Turkish nationalists and Ataturkists are in a key position for this election.”

Sunday’s race poses the biggest challenge yet to Turkey’s strongman leader. He faces economic headwinds and criticism that the impact of the devastating February 6 earthquake was made worse by lax building controls and a shambolic rescue effort.

Ballots of the 64 million eligible to vote were still being counted six hours after polling stations closed across the country.

For the first time, Turkey’s factious opposition has coalesced around a single candidate, Kilicdaroglu, who represents an election coalition of six opposition parties.

Earlier on Sunday, Ankara Mayor Mansur Yavas, who is the vice-presidential candidate for the main opposition Nation Alliance bloc, contested Anadolu’s results, saying the agency is unreliable. He added that the opposition’s data showed Kilicdaroglu as being ahead of Erdogan.

Erdogan took to Twitter to ask his supporters “to stay at the ballot boxes, no matter what until the results are officially finalized.”

“While the election was held in such a positive and democratic atmosphere and the vote counting is still going on, trying to announce results hastily means usurpation of the national will,” tweeted Erdogan.

Can Selcuki, managing director of Istanbul Research Center told CNN’s Becky Anderson that a runoff is likely.

“I think this is going to be a neck-to-neck race,” he said. “Very highly likely to be not ending in the first round — that’s what it seems to be.”

A candidate must win over 50% of the vote on Sunday night in order to be elected. Otherwise Turkey will head to a run-off on May 28.

A woman votes at a polling station in Istanbul, Turkey, Sunday, May 14, 2023. Voters in Turkey go to the polls on Sunday for pivotal parliamentary and presidential elections that are expected to be tightly contested and could be the biggest challenge Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan faces in his two decades in power. (AP Photo/Francisco Seco)

Speaking to CNN from a polling station in Istanbul’s Beyogly district, voter Korhan Futaci, 46, said: “My vote is for freedom. My vote is for the future of our kids. I’m hopeful.”

Yeliz Sahin, 46, whose brother and his son died in the earthquake, said: “It’s a historical moment that we’ve been waiting for for 20 years. This whole system needs to change.”

Meanwhile first-time voter Eren Uzmele, 19, said: “The future of the country is in our hands. It’s in the hands of the youth.”

Kilicdaroglu, a mild mannered 74-year-old former bureaucrat, has promised to fix Turkey’s faltering economy and restore democratic institutions compromised by a slide to authoritarianism during Erdogan’s tenure.

Leading candidates cast their vote

After casting his vote in Istanbul, Erdogan told reporters: “We pray to God for a better future for our country, our nation, and Turkish democracy. It is very important for all of our voters to cast their votes until 17.00 in the evening without any worries for demonstrating the strength of Turkish democracy.”

Meanwhile, after voting in Ankara, Kilicdaroglu said: “We all missed democracy, being together and embracing so much. Hopefully, from now on you will see spring will come to this country and it will always continue.”

Erdogan concluded his election campaign on Saturday night by praying at Hagia Sophia — a mosque and major historic site in Istanbul. In contrast, Kilicdaroglu visited the tomb of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, the founder of modern Turkey and staunch secularist.

Erdogan has been extolling the virtues of his long rule, campaigning on a platform of stability, independent foreign policy and continuing to bolster Turkey’s defense industry. Recently, he raised the wages of government workers by 45% and lowered the retirement age.

Over the last two years, Turkey’s currency has plummeted and prices have ballooned, prompting a cost of living crisis that has chipped away at Erdogan’s conservative, working class support base.

A view of blank ballots at a polling station in Ankara, Turkey May 14, 2023. REUTERS/Yves Herman

When a vicious earthquake on February 6 laid waste to large parts of southeast Turkey, Erdogan’s battled political aftershocks. His critics chastized him for a botched rescue effort and lax building controls that his ruling Justice and Development (AK) party presided over for two decades.

In the weeks after the quake, the government rounded up dozens of contractors, construction inspectors and project managers for violating building rules. Critics dismissed the move as scapegoating.

The government has also apologized for “mistakes” that were made in the immediate aftermath of the disaster.

The quake claimed over 51,000 lives in Turkey and neighboring Syrian. Thousands are still unaccounted for, with unmarked graves peppering the southeastern Turkish countryside.

On Thursday, Kilicdaroglu was boosted further by the late withdrawal from the race of a minor candidate, Muharrem Ince. Ince had low polling numbers but some opposition figures feared he would split the anti-Erdogan vote.

Turkey holds elections every five years. More than 1.8 million voters living abroad already cast their votes on April 17, Turkish newspaper Daily Sabah reported Wednesday, citing the country’s deputy foreign minister. Over 65 million Turks are eligible to vote.

The Supreme Election Council (YSK) chief Ahmet Yener said last month that at least 1 million voters in quake-stricken zones are expected not to vote this year amid displacement.

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